build a powerful online brand in less than 12 months

Join a coaching program and community of women who are dedicated to turning their skills into an online brand that creates massive impact and income ✨

Maya Elious - BTI Retreat

After years of experience in your industry, your revenue should match your level of expertise.

But you’re still struggling with…

  • How to start and grow an online business from scratch
  • Understanding how to work the online space and stand out in your industry
  • How to use social media to grow a following and attract clients
  • How to communicate your message in a way that makes sense to your audience
  • The best way to package and price your skills into a service or course
  • Selling your services to people who value your knowledge and respect your price points
  • How to show up confidently and consistently without feeling imposter syndrome
  • Knowing what tools, systems, and strategies you need to be successful

Not having the support you need to successfully turn your skills into a profitable online business is costing you your purpose.

If I’m right about you, you’re in the exact same place my clients first started.

You have the most BRILLIANT ideas, but when it comes to turning it into a product or service that people will buy? Stuck.

You’ve saved and screenshot hundreds of posts on how to make money with your skills, but when it comes to actually getting new clients? Hasn’t happened.

You’ve secretly stalked other experts with half of your expertise getting the recognition you desire, but when it comes to showing up for yourself? Still hiding.

You’ve written out your content plan in a Google Doc more times than you care to admit, but when it comes to promoting your services? Maybe next week.

Your current strategy of piecing together random advice is leaving you with very little results…

and your frustration and overwhelm is causing

  • more burnout
  • more procrastination
  • more imposter syndrome
  • more self-sabotage

All you want at this point is for someone to hold you accountable and tell you EXACTLY what to do so you can stop overthinking and staying stuck in the same place year after year

Learn the system our clients use to get results in their business time after time.

Temi Siyanbade

❝We had an $18k launch!❞

The final night of our launch, we hit our launch goal of $18,000! We couldn’t have done it without THIS PROGRAM, which helped us create a strategy to achieve 5-figure months consistently.

This program kicked our @$$ but we’ve definitely taken a step in our business that is changing everything about how we operate. We are not turning back.

Taccara and Kenyon Martin

Relationship Experts

Tara Paton

❝I made $11,000 in 11 days❞ 

Even when I completed the Accelerator, I didn’t stop using the strategies. Shortly after I completed the program, I had two launches and they both did amazing! I hosted my first virtual workshop and made $11,000 in 11 days. I then launched my 90-day program and generated over $27,000. My gratitude to all of the coaches and to Maya!

Shanelle Benjamin

Brand Strategist

Tara Paton

❝I made over $20,000 in 12 weeks!❞

I decided to join because I did not have a systematic method of creating a group coaching program. I successfully used my curriculum for in-person groups but was not sure how to successfully transition the curriculum to a virtual group.

After my first successful launch, I made over $20,000!

Crystal Currie

Healing Coach

We help our clients implement a proven, straight-forward and powerful framework to help them build an impactful and profitable online brand.

We’ll teach you how to implement 3 powerful strategies

Master Your Message

Package your skills, expertise, and gifts into a compelling brand message that will cut through the noise. With coaching and support, you’ll be able to solidify your brand message, attract your ideal client, build trust in your industry, and turn your skills into a service, program, or online course.

Market Your Message

Learn how to consistently promote yourself and get your message seen and heard by the right people. Our strategies will help you consistently create and publish content that attracts high-end clients who are excited to learn about your services.

Monetize Your Message

Get ideal clients to inquire about your service offerings by creating a streamlined path for people to join your email list, send you DMs, and book sales calls with you. Learn how to convert fans and followers into clients and customers.

I made $17K with my launch!

I had tried to piece together a plan from YouTube, Google, and some low-ticket courses, but there was a MAJOR gap in my learning. I knew I had a good product, but I needed a strategy to piece everything together. Before the Accelerator, I felt overwhelmed and unsure of myself. I had a lot of questions and I searched for the answers online in Lives, webinars, and courses. It was a frustrating merry-go-round. In the Accelerator, I’ve changed my mindset, embraced my expert status, and got clear on my value. As a result, I had a $17,000 launch, I’m working with high-end clients, and I’m consistently increasing my rates.

— taiia smart young, self-publishing coach to coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs

Taiia Smart Young

I’m Maya!

I’ve been making money online since 2008, and help my clients do the same.

It’s no secret that my methods work. And that’s why some of the biggest publications like Black Enterprise, Forbes, Business Insider, etc. have featured me as a top business expert.

In my decade-long entrepreneurial journey, I’ve mastered high-converting messaging, sold premium offers consistently, and built a 7-figure business.

My company Built To Impact® is an education and consulting company that teaches overlooked experts how to build a high-end coaching business in their zone of genius.

We’ve helped hundreds of our clients get clear on their message, confidently increase their prices, and build a profitable business.

I’m on a mission to empower and equip more women of faith to use their voice, master their message, and build an online brand that leads to more impact and income.

You can no longer sit around hoping people will magically discover your unique gifts.

Being a ‘best kept secret’ is a disservice to yourself, your future clients, and your bank account.

Join the Built To Impact Accelerator

Get the proven education, resources, support, and launch strategy that has helped hundreds of service providers attract quality clients and grow their businesses. THIS IS YOUR TIME.

Enrollment in the Accelerator grants you access to:

  • Weekly Group Coaching Sessions

Never go a week without getting your questions answered. Get personalized feedback and strategies to advance your business forward week after week.

  • lPlug-and-play templates, swipe files, and launch assets

Implement quickly and confidently with our proven templates so you never have to write copy, create content, or market your business from scratch.

  • Easy-to-implement business trainings

Learn our most successful strategies and frameworks so you feel clear and confident with running an online business.

  • Hands-on Support & Accountability

Work with a team who never let’s you fall behind or get “stuck in the crowd”. This is a program where we get to know you and hold you accountable to the goals you have set.



Learn how to clearly and confidently articulate your message in the marketplace. Learn how to communicate who you are, what you do, and how you serve them.

Build Your brand story

Design your brand story and solidify how you want to be seen in the marketplace by revealing your brand values and credibility markers.

position your expertise

Stand out amongst your competitors by defining your target market and honing in on your expertise.

craft your signature offer

Package your unique philosophies and methodologies into a signature framework and service offerings.


Get in front of the right people, at the right time, with the right message by strategically sharing content and using your voice on platforms where your ideal client spends time.

build & grow Your Online Platforms

Learn how to leverage your online platforms to increase engagement and build a list of potential clients who are interested in working with you. You’ll also learn how to leverage guest platforms to grow your audience quickly.

design your step-by-step marketing strategy

Implement a marketing strategy that drives traffic to your free and paid offers so you can build your list and sell your products time and time again.


Create a streamlined system for people to inquire about your services and become a client.

get your first or next set of clients

You’ll learn how to convert your leads into paying clients and customers and build a market research plan to attract more dream clients.

When you join the ACCELERATOR, you decide to do things differently.

No more wasting time trying to figure out everything on your own.

This is for you if:

  • You are confident and clear on your expertise but need help building your new (or restructuring your existing) offer
  • You have the willingness, work ethic, and capacity to show up online consistently to promote your business and service quality clients
  • You need structure, guidance, and a step-by-step repeatable process to generate enough money to go full-time in your business
  • You desire to be led by a coach and within a community that can hold you accountable and give you the support you need

It’s not for you if:

  • You don't have a proven skillset and you’re not sure what your expertise or purpose is
  • You are desperate for money in the short term and looking for overnight success.
  • You’re unwilling to invest in help and would rather building your brand without support, even if it costs you more time, money, and energy in the long run
  • Not committed to being coachable and you're just "curious" or shopping around for different resources.

Our strategies are proven to work

Our clients learn to attract high-end clients, increase their rates, and have consistent five-figure months.

You know you could be doing so much more.

You’re sick and tired of wasting away your potential, missing out on opportunities to work with dream clients and feeling unfulfilled in your work.

The gap between the skills you have and the life you desire is an online brand that gets you dream clients consistently.

Come out from behind the shadows and build a brand that leads to more money, more impact, and more fulfillment.

Our Client Results Say It All ✨

I created my signature offer and generated $43k with no ads!

I created my signature offer and hit my launch goal of $45k without ads, a complicated launch plan, or a never ending content strategy. All I did was follow the modules with the help of all of the templates and now I’m generating five figures consistently every month.


Entertainment Lawyer

 I made over $64,733 in 6 months and quit my job!

I was ready to leave my job, attract qualified clients, and improve my messaging. I had ideas around my offers, but I didn’t know how to tall to my ideal client. Since joining the accelerator, I’ve made over $64,000, quit my job, and I’m so excited that I achieved a dream.

Drew Nicole

Fashion Stylist

 I made over $23k with my launch and quit my job!!

I have been in the mental health field for 20 years and wanted a way to use my skills to make an impact. I made over $25,000 after launching my signature offer. Soon after I gave my 2 weeks notice at my job and went full-time with my business!

Lashana west

Mindset Coach to Entrepreneurs

There’s no faster way to monetize your skills than building your brand.

I personally believe that the most beneficial thing you can do for yourself is to take the gifts and the voice God has given you and build a life focused around impact and abundance.

I’m deeply passionate about women of faith having financial freedom because financial success gives you options to live more freely and generously. When you’re constantly living in lack, money becomes your master when God intended for us to master our money.

I believe that God has already granted us the #1 ingredient to build wealth and live abundantly: our voice.

Our voice is our most powerful asset, and when we can take our voice and turn it into a compelling message and package it into a service, we have exactly what we need to confidnetly walk in our calling.

Building your personal brand is the fastest way to monetize your gifts while doing what you love. If using your skills to create more freedom, impact more people, and generate wealth is important to you, this program is for you.

Let’s impact the world together. ❤️
